alert!!! site for the old dublang version 0.5.x, see the latest version here

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dublang plugin

dublang system contains a plugin with same name called also dublang

this plugin allows to mix on the same code block multiple languages among the supported languages provided by the others plugins

it doesn't connect to any external live coding tool or servive as usually others plugins do

example (combining tidalcycles and mpv)


tidalcycles('d1 $ sound "cp"')
mpv('video mymovie:01')

the code evaluated by "CTRL + e" is executed by lua 5.1, it provides access to dublang api itself and also to the neovim api

plugins functions

any other plugin can be executed by a lua function under the #!dublang region

for example the tidalcycles available under the shebang #!tidalcycles can be executed through the lua function tidalcycles() under the shebang #!dublang

alert! when running plugins this way filters, triggers, etc are not executed

example of functions available: obs(), supercollider(), mpv(), sm(), espeak(), festival(), sardine(), alda(), etc

dublang functions

function: schedule

schedule() function enqueue a sequence of events to be executed over time

the sequence starts at the time 1 second and the time is incremented by 1 each second



  [1] = function()
  [5] = function()
    mpv([[loadfile "${PWD}/videos/buzz/slice1.mp4"]])
    tidalcycles([[xfadeIn 1 8 $ sound "808bd*8"]])
  [10] = function()
    mpv([[curves $ pre color_negative]])
    tidalcycles([[xfadeIn 1 4 $ sound "[808bd*8, bd*2]"]])
  [15] = function()
    mpv([[loadfile "${PWD}/videos/buzz/slice4.mp4"]])
    tidalcycles([[xfadeIn 1 16 $ sound "[~ ~ jazz:7 jazz:7/2]"]])

the example above schedules 4 events to be executed on the time: 1s, 5s, 10s and the final event at the time 15s

see below a demo created with the schedule() function (source code)

function: cycle

cycle() executes a list of anonymous functions in a infinite loop, the loop length is 1 second by default, the list of functions is spreaded on the loop length

example (the 1st function is executed on time 0 and the 2nd on time 500 ms)


    vim.notify("run function 1")
    vim.notify("run function 2")

it is possible to modify the default length of a cycle using the function length()


function: length

length() modifies the default cycle length in milliseconds

example (set the cycle length as 10 seconds)



more examples

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